I pity the fool!!


Q: Just Faith - Substance and Evidence.......

I have seen the results and effects of the wind and even felt its presence and though I have never actually seen the wind; by free will choice I choose to believe it exist.....

For those who, in free will,have made the choice not to believe in God and His gift of Salvation and New Life, I plead with you to reconsider your decision.......

If I have in any manner offended you,please donot allow that to hinder your decision, rather keep in mind that I'am yet a work in progress and still upon the potters wheel.......

While I will continue in the restoration message of II Chr 7:14, as I feel led of God to do, and while I will continue to speak out against words that mock God; my prayer continues to be for salvation of the lost and restoration for those who are saved but have lost their way.......

Look past this mere servant and focus upon The One who calls you to His peace........

A: Okay, lets see shall we? We can measure the effect that wind has upon objects, we can verify this empirically, and objectively. Try that with god please. Also through scientific study we see that giants flap large palm tree leaves, and thus we have wind. Please prove me wrong.

As for the rest of your little post there g, it is nothing but an appeal to emotion. We should pity you, and give jesus a chance even though you are a poor christian example. Okay. Done it, still no dice. Your actions or attitude has nothing to do with any desicion I would make about religion. Although it does help in confirming that this jesus never really changes a person.

An emotional high is created when a person recieves the lord, and emotional high that may last a bit, but usually after a time, the people revert to their normal character. We can see this in all the religions for the most part, not just christianity.

I noticed you choose to believe by free will choice, and thus without proof. That is what a faith based relgion is all about. Non-demostrable claims, proofs and evidences, just faith. Once you believe in god, you will come to believe in god.

Nice line of thought, circular in reasoning, but nice.

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